Benefits of Planned Maintenance: The TPM Approach

16 Jul 2021

Breakdowns forms one of the major losses which carve into machine availability affecting the overall equipment efficiency. A detailed analysis was done by the CII Institute of Quality (CII-IQ) covering around 70 Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) practicing companies from both domestic and overseas. The data covers various segments of industry and is summarized in this blog.

In the journey of TPM, specifically with respect to Breakdown, Autonomous Maintenance and Planned maintenance Pillar work hand-in-hand. The typical approach that is taken in first year is through a small set of Machines – “Manager Model Machines” where the TPM possibility in the company is tested.

This journey would be typically for a period of 6-9 months for getting excellent results on the KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) through the application of TPM methodology.

In the first year of the journey, since only critical machines are taken for TPM implementation, only the results of these machines would be rejected. During the second year, with the TPM circles formed across the company, Jishu-Hozen* (JH) activities on step 1 & 2 would be taken up on all the machines. These activities together with activities under Productive Maintenance (PM) would determine the level of reduction in the breakdowns. By the end of the second year, very good changes could be seen in a company. Third year shows higher results as all the machines in the company would have been covered. JH step 1, 2, 3 and to some extent step 4 would have been ingrained in the employees of the company. This together with the good PM pillar activities gave tremendous results.

Many of the companies would have achieved Zero breakdown especially on the A, B rank machines and a large extent on the C rank machines. Breakdown trends for new machines which were brought subsequently would typically see drastic reduction due to TPM practice at the design stage of the machine itself.

CII-IQ captured the actual results achieved by the companies so that it can be considered as a benchmark for many companies embarking in the journey of TPM.

From the above data and analysis, we can infer the trend of breakdown in TPM practicing companies.

  • It can be seen that there is drop in breakdowns from 25- 40% in the first year of TPM journey. In the initial year, major work is done on the Model machine only.
  • As companywide TPM progress we can see an average reduction of 40-60 % in the second year and 70-80 % reduction in the third year.
  • We could see a better performance in the Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) segment when compared to the Auto Ancillary. The Auto Ancillary segments need to focus and drive a little more for better and faster results.
  • Reduction in breakdown – year on year in the Engineering industry is little more than the process Industry. This is probably due to the nature of operation.

When compared to Indian companies, overseas companies have achieved a higher rate of reduction in breakdowns. This could probably be due to higher level of training and skill development for maintenance. Indian companies need to focus on the skill enhancement of the Maintenance personnel.

Today, with competition being all time high, TPM is the most important philosophy that stands for profit enhancement and sustainability. It has been proven to be a program that works. It can be adapted to work not only in industrial plants, but in construction, ports, services, transportation and in a variety of other sectors.

Employees must be educated and convinced that TPM is not just another “program of the month” and that management is totally committed to it. Required time frame should be given for full implementation to gain maximum benefits. If everyone involved in the TPM program does their part, an unusually high rate of return compared to resources invested can be expected.

TPM is not only a strategy, but a new philosophy of continuous improvement and teamwork that creates a sense of ownership across all the employees from Top management to the operator level. All employees become more committed and reach a new level of higher responsibility.

The blog has been contributed by Mr Biju K Raj, Sr. Counsellor – TPM, CII – Institute of Quality.

Jishu-Hozen means activities of the operator that uses maintenance to personally conduct maintenance activities, including cleaning, oiling, retightening, and inspection, thereby raising production efficiency to its limit.