31 May 2022
With the growing awareness around climate change and environmental issues, Industries are taking proactive initiatives and integrating steps to counter these concerns in their businesses, which is also leading to increased business competitiveness. Pursuing ‘water security’ has become the new driver for companies in their quest towards growth, competitiveness and global excellence.
Against this background, CII organizes the “CII National Awards for Excellence in Water Management” every year to celebrate and reward outstanding innovation, promising water conservation and management practices undertaken by Indian companies from varied sectors.
The awards have been recognizing the industry for its contribution towards building a ‘Water Secure World’ – through their operations, innovations and CSR activities. They help companies in identifying their strengths and opportunities in water management through a comprehensive and rigorous assessment process, which also includes feedback for self-improvement.
Businesses are able to replicate the best water management practices adopted by participating companies via knowledge sharing and peer learning. Since its inception, over 550 industries– both public and private, have been recognized for their initiatives towards efficient water management.
Over the past several years, the awards have become a national platform for sharing industry best practices and interacting with thought leaders around critical scale-up issues, thereby consistently setting higher benchmarks and promoting on-ground implementation of feasible solutions.
This year, CII is organizing its 16th edition of CII National Awards for Excellence in Water Management in September 2022. Any company from the public or the private sector and scale can register for the awards. Operating units under the appropriate category are also considered based on the corporate turnover, irrespective of the turnover of the units applied.
The award is conferred under the following categories:
Within the Fence
It recognizes companies that have taken steps to improve water use efficiency and have an integrated approach for wastewater management system. which includes recycle, recovery and reuse of industrial effluents.
Beyond the Fence
The award recognizes work done by a company at watershed scale and with communities for improving state of water resources, along with enhancing opportunities for livelihoods and socio-economic development.
Innovative Water Saving Product
It recognizes companies involved in manufacture of water efficient equipment or products, which have an impact on water management, either by reducing freshwater consumption or enhancing wastewater recycling/ reuse and recovery.
Why to Apply
Get recognised and awarded for “Innovation and Excellence” in the field of water resource management.
Knowledge sharing and peer learning of good water management practices adopted by participating companies.
Interact & network with individuals and companies from diverse sectors.
Identify strengths and opportunities to excel in water management by leveraging comprehensive and rigorous assessment and feedback for self-improvement.
Get featured in CII Publication which is exclusively shared with eminent decision makers in the country.
The last date to submit the awards questionnaire is 10th June 2022.
To register for the awards Click Here.