Clean Tech: Marching towards an eco-friendly sustainable environment

30 Jan 2019

One of the most current and urgent issues today pertains to the environment in which we all breathe and live. Environmental pollution, global warming and climate change are seen to be among the leading causes of disease and health issue as well as a key factor impacting livelihoods.

Flagship missions of the Government of India, like Swachh Bharat Abhiyan, Clean Ganga Mission and the launch of India’s first national air quality index have made some progress in tackling such pressing environmental issues.

At its flagship event IETF 2019, CII is hosting Clean Tech Environment 2019 on the 4th of February 2019 to address pressing issues pertaining to the protection of the environment.

A one-day conference, the event brings together leading sustainability experts, business leaders, government representatives and various other stakeholders who will deliver ideas and solutions on clean air and waste management.

Challenges pertaining to air pollution and waste management are increasing in cities of India. These issues need to be tackled in a comprehensive way through systematic implementation of ideas and solutions. The event shall share knowledge and opportunities to nurture progress of the clean technology manufacturing and services sectors.

The conference provides an opportunity to showcase the latest, innovative products and services to government, municipalities, pollution control boards, decision-makers, business leaders, and investors. Several country delegations will bring in knowledge about best practices and processes.

The exhibitors shall display different techniques of treating industrial waste and wastewater management; industrial emission and dust treatment; smells and noise handling plants and factories; industrial sewage sludge treatment; medical waste treatment and sludge treatment for thermoelectricity plants. They would demonstrate methods of recycling, reusing and recovering household waste, reducing exploitation of groundwater resources, and treatment of pesticide pollution.

There will also be an eco-products pavilion, which shall showcase products/services being made from clean and recycled material, and also those with environmentally friendly and energy saving technologies.

Devices which use solar energy, wind energy, biomass power generation system, nuclear energy, liquefied coal, atomic development and safety, regional air conditioning and heating will also be on display. These provide living solutions in household products, high efficiency energy saving light fixtures, induction cookers and devices which save water, etc.

Clean Tech Environment Expo 2019 will influence the way we think and manage our environment. It shall attract participants championing environmental solutions by carving achievable strategies and turning challenges into new opportunities. To witness the immense technology advance in clean technology solutions, please visit the pavilion and take part in the conference on the 4 February 2019 at Pragati Maidan, New Delhi.