
The Future of Medical Technology

05 Nov 2018

Healthcare is led by a new generation; savvy, educated and abreast with latest technologies. Today, healthcare users are cognizant of their wellbeing and are active participants in their treatment. The medical technology sector is evolving rapidly, to meet the demands of tech-savvy patients.

Medical practitioners adopt revolutionary medical technology to provide futuristic healthcare. They are redefining the frontiers of healthcare by leveraging emerging Fourth Industrial Revolution technologies.

Healthcare is set to change the face of treatment and redefine the concept of wellbeing.

Some of the new developments are:

Augmented Reality

*The world of medicine is adopting Augmented Reality (AR), to perform surgical procedures using precise diagnosis and treatment.

*Using AR during surgeries, surgeons can study the human body without opening organs, enabling more precise excisions.

*Diabetes Management will benefit from a digital contact lens patented by Google. It will  gauge blood glucose levels from tears.

*A Microsoft Hololens will project digital information, making medical education more effective.

–         Google Brain

Google’s Ray Kurzwell, is facilitating uploading human minds to a computer, which will then adopt a digital form, creating the ultimate artificial intelligence-controlled brain.

–         Medical 3D Printing

3D printing in medicine is already taking the world by storm. The technology is being deployed to build prosthetic hands, arms and legs, for amputees across the world. In the near future, tissues, organs and blood vessels could also be created, using 3D technology.

–         Real Time Diagnostics

An intelligent surgical knife, the iKnife, is being developed by Dr. Zoltan Takats . The knife identifies whether a tissue is malignant and provides real-time diagnosis. This diagnosis will significantly reduce the length of operations.

–         NASA like Command Centres

Hospitals are implementing NASA-style command centres to address capacity, safety, quality and wait-time issues besieging healthcare. These centres are designed as central mission controls, across hospital functions and services.

Precision Medicine

Healthcare futurists are trying to develop Personalized Medicine. Medical practitioners and patients can expect practical applications and real-world results from cell therapy, biopharma and genomics, making personalized medicine more commonplace.

–         Wearable Devices

Wearable devices are gaining global popularity, due to their ability to track a patient’s health and monitor certain medical conditions. They provide a warning about serious symptoms, especially in small children who cannot communicate. Constant monitoring prevents serious mishaps and aids faster healing.

Technology is transforming the way medical science diagnoses and treats diseases. It is undertaking proactive measures to build cost effective healthcare. The future of healthcare is promising for everyone.


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