03 May 2021 We have been talking about the potential and promise of Artificial Intelligence (AI) for a long time. One of the most significant aspects, which has put AI at the center of all business and social conversations is our ability to harness data and apply AI to drive…
Browsing CategoryTechnology
AR & VR changing the world
28 Apr 2021 Do you remember how Pokémon GO became a craze in 2016? Everyone was busy finding new Pokémon characters and checkpoints. Such was the hype that it sometimes created chaos at public places around the world and even got banned in cities. The game was unique in the…
AR & VR revolutionising the industry
28 Apr 2021 On 14 April 2016, the world witnessed the first Virtual Reality (VR) operation streaming live from London. The VR-led experience made viewers feel as if they were standing at the edge of the operating table. Apart from being a unique experience for normal viewers, it was useful…
The New World of 5G
08 Mar 2021 5th generation mobile network or 5G has lately been the star of the telecom industry. The much-talked-about new generation wireless standard is designed to be integrative, connecting devices and machines all around us. Before we begin to understand the what, why, and how of 5G, let’s quickly…
Race for Space: India set to shine
08 Dec 2020 The journey to space has traversed a long journey over the last seven decades. It began with the launch of the first artificial satellite (Sputnik) in 1957 and changed the course of human space exploration when the Apollo 11 crew reached the lunar surface. From the curiosity…
Enhancing Uptake of Technology in Agriculture
26 Nov 2020 Proactive action from the Government of India on pushing the agri marketing reforms agenda aimed towards ‘One Nation, One Market’ is a significant step and the reforms will benefit the sector, and more importantly will help augment farmers’ incomes. Creation of an additional ecosystem where the farmers…
Broadband – Our Lifeline in the New Normal
23 Nov 2020 With Covid and the subsequent lockdowns, the need for keeping the world connected and economic activities going resulted in a sharp rise in broadband usage. Work from home, learning from home for students, e-commerce and entertainment needs of people, amongst others were met largely by means of…
Technology in the Post-COVID World
19 Nov 2020 History is filled with instances when great adversities led to the quantum leap in the usage of technology. The world today is currently facing an unprecedented crisis of COVID-19. The pandemic has resulted in economies struggling to sustain and people trying to keep themselves safe. At the…
Digital Agriculture: The Future of Indian Agriculture
22 Oct 2020 If agriculture is to continue to feed the world, it needs to become more like manufacturing- Geoffrey Carr, The Economist The world population is projected to reach 9.6 billion by 2050. This would lead to a significant increase in food demand, even as arable land and freshwater…
India in Top 50 Innovation Economies
15 Sep 2020 The collective cognitive ability of the human race has led to its evolution. The constant spirit to innovate is key to the species’ success. Today, more than ever, countries are striving to create an equitable ecosystem for innovation. India has made tremendous strides in this direction. This…